Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Rewards of Volunteering

My experience volunteering at The Salvation Army ended up being more than just a class project. Arriving there on the first day, I realized that life is so much bigger than me and the little community I live in. There are people all around who have been impacted by those who volunteer and in return, they give their lives to others who need it. 
Realizing this, I was inspired to help as much as possible during the following days of our volunteer work. In addition to knowing that I was helping those who need it, I also got to know the people behind the work a little more as well as my classmates. The work went by quickly and so much got done in just a little bit of time because we all worked together. 

The rewards of volunteering of your time and energy are numerous. One of the best rewards is the impact you will have on those around you, most of whom you will never even know. The steps you take giving of yourself start a cycle of giving that will eventually come back around to you. 

This leads me to the next reward of volunteering. This reward is the impact it has on yourself. Not only do you feel great, but what you do for others will be done for you one day. Just knowing that I had helped people who needed it was an amazing feeling. It felt like spring even though it was freezing outside!!!

As students, it is our duty to give back to the community what has been given to us. Volunteering is the perfect way to do this and the benefits are long and lasting. 

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